Marvelous Studio Apps

Block Implosion Hunter Games C10.2
Block Implosion Hunter Games is afuturisticFPS world with dynamic fighting styles, epic weapons tocollect andequip and numerous challenges, some of which are brutalenemies andgame timers. Prepare yourself to attack and conquerbefore theforces against you claim your freedom and destroy yourfuture.~GAME STORY~Only recently have you learned that you were adopted as a youngboyby a time-traveling historian who took pity upon your brutallivingconditions and lot in life. Since then, you've been livingacharmed life as one of the most powerful commanders in allthesectors. However, the bureaucracy has caught up with you andyouare to be summarily deported back to the original time andplaceyou were rescued from. While your pull was strong and yourbraveryand talent praised endlessly, as the rug is pulled outbeneath you,your rank is stripped of you and all you are left withare your rawskills to evade the guards who have come to collect andright thedisruption to the past. You know if you can survive thisattack andeach the capital city of Brumberg and speak to thepresidents, youcan explain why they REALLY don't want to deportyou...Level 1 : Futuristic City- Enemies are guards withfuturisticarmor and glowing swords. You're now an enemy of thestate and theguards are trying to arrest you.Level 2 : Space Station- Enemies are guards withfuturisticarmor. You break in their station and they are trying tostop youfrom infiltrating their base.Level 3 : Underwater Base- Encounter robots guardingthefacility. You have broken in the facility of a forgottenunderwaterbase to collect the data you need to plead your case. Butfirst,you must deal with the robots foes who try to take youout.Level 4 : Spaceship- Enemies are mostly aliens and somearecomposed of cyborg aliens. At this point you have been abductedandare headed to the time registry where your fate will be sealedwhenyou are transported back to your true time.Level 5 : Foreign Base- Enemies to defeat are robots andaliens.After your transport crashed on this foreign planet, youmustescape and get to the capitol city before your fate issealed.Level 6 : Capital City Of Brumberg- Soldiers withfuturisticarmor and aliens will stop at nothing to see you don'tescape thecapitol alive.~HOW TO PLAY~Discover a world full of diverse challenges in this firstpersonshooter pixel world. As you enter this dangerous landscaperifewith torturous challenges, you'll be met with an opportunitytogain the upper hand in the first level. Collect this rewardbywatching a brief video clip then proceed to the first level.Thismap pits you against the unforgiving hands of time. As soon asthislevel begins, integrated game timers will begin counting downthetime you have to kill all the enemies and earn a powerfulpermanentweapon. These video clips will be useful to you throughoutthe gameas they allow you to turn to them when you are low onhealth or outof ammunition. While these perks can be collectedduring yourmission, in the heat of battle when there's no time toscoutsupplies, you'll be grateful to have these videos to turn toforassistance. Enemies are fierce and boast a higher damage andhealththat will make your quest that much more difficult. Loadingscreengame tips give you ideas on how to get through the levelsandbecome the ultimate warrior!Game Features:* Melee And Firearm Weapons*Ammo Pickup*Life Sustaining Health Packs*Game Timers*Six Breathtaking FPS Pixel Levels*Entity Map*Power-Ups
Dead Pixel: Zombie Defense MOD C10.2
In Dead Pixel: Zombie Defense MOD help theherodefeat uncountable hordes of zombie enemies. Use powerfulweaponsfound throughout the landscapes and earned from challengingtasks.Guide our brave hero through difficult levels full ofdangerousobstacles and powerful foes.LONG LIVE THE HUMANS...You are the lone survivor from the heavily armed and eliteSquadZero. You live in a planet that was conquered by zombies,andhumanity now lives under their rule. Your squadron is one ofthelast rebel fighters rising up against these monsters andreasserttheir dominance.KILL ALL THE ZOMBIES, END THEIR REIGN OF TERROR AND FREETHEHUMANS FROM THEIR LIFE OF SLAVERY...Enjoy exciting combat action in this thrilling warstimulatorgame where you are up against waves of enemy monsters invariousbattlefields, such as the treacherous zombie bridge, thedevastatedvillage street, and the abandoned train station, allwhilecollecting a range of modern day weapons and utilizingspecialitems.BECOME THE LAST SURVIVOR...People aren't mean to be servants of the undead. It isyourmission to destroy these undead overlords and restore peace tothehuman race. Start off the game on the right foot and earnyourselfa power up from the get go. To do this, you'll be prompteduponlaunching the game to watch a brief video ad. The perk you'llearnfrom this task will help you in an even greater missiontoeliminate every zombie enemy in a limited amount of time. In araceagainst time, you must scour the land and defeat everyenemy.Succeed and earn yourself a mega permanent weapon. Simpletouch padcontrols and user-friendly intuitive interface makescontrollingyour character a cinch. Jump, run, sprint, crouch andchoosebetween weapons as you blast through levels to claim thetitle ofultimate champion.Game Features:-Interesting fps tasks-Fight to the death against intelligent enemies-Great weapon selection-Dynamic game play-Amazing bonuses and boosts-Interesting locations-Classic pixel graphics-Play against integrated game timers-Earn powerful power ups-Map style level selectLevels:- Zombie Bridge- Village Street- Train Station
Just Cubes Craft Attack FPS C10.2
Just Cubes Craft Attack FPS is your sourceforultimate shoot out action! Fight against deadly waves ofbrutalenemies in this treacherous pixel universe. Defeat enemieswith adeadly variety of melee and firearm weapons, collectnecessaryperks and earn unbelievable power ups! With a userfriendly,effective control interface, controlling your character isabreeze... it's dealing with the enemy that will prove a challenge.AND THE STORY BEGINS...Biological functions have become the new currency, with adystopiangovernment controlling the amount granted to each. Sleepis themost prized, with the elite resting peacefully regularlywhile thepoor are kept awake for days at a time. As the poor suffertheconsequences of their forced insomnia, they sufferhallucinations,false memories, spurts of extreme anger, and overallbad judgment.Sequestered in their own slum, the delusional poorbegin to attackeach other, until there is an outright war. the richare happy tooverlook this, but one blocky agent undercover in theslums knowsthat something must be done about this separation of theclassesand unfair treatment. Leaving this block-eat-block worldbehind, heescapes back into the world of the privileged, where heis upagainst a battle more fearsome than that which rages in theslums.The rich are more than capable and willing to protecttheirentitlements. Breaking code and entering their military bases,thislone agent must brave soldiers who would see him dead in ordertotake back the functions of the poor and make the worldrightagain.Level 1: Military Base Set In The ForestLevel 2: Military Fortress Set In A Jungle With WaterfallsLevel 3: Refinery In The Middle Of The OceanLevel 4: A Secret Military Base at NightLevel 5: A Factory-Like Military Base In A Volcanic AreaLevel 6: High-Tech Refinery Final BaseEQUIP YOUR WEAPON AND START BLASTING ENEMIES!!Take no mercy as you navigate bleak blocky terrains and shownomercy as you take out numerous intelligent foes! Time is asmuchyour enemy as are the soldiers pelting you with theirammunition.As you enter the first arena, you'll be met withmissions toeliminate a certain number of enemies and the time inwhich youhave to do it. Succeed and you'll be rewarded with apowerfulpermanent weapon, fail and you may continue to the nextlevel, butat a disadvantage. As you launch this game, you'll begiven theopportunity to collect a reward by watching a short videoclip.Accept this reward and you'll be supplied with a mega power-upyoucan use until you die. Enemies are highly intelligent andboasthigh damage and health, so be prepared for a greatbattle.User-friendly touch screen controls will aid you inmanipulatingyour character and setting screens allow you to set thegamefunctions to your preference, making Just Cubes Craft AttackFPSthe best and most awesome first person shooter on themarket!Top Game Features:Collect Blocky WeaponsHand-to-hand combatLoading screen game tipsPower upsGame timersStrong enemiesMap-style level selectSettings screenEntity map